Industrial Pallets
Highly flexible production thanks to high automation (robotics)
Countless variants and formats
Also for food + pharmaceuticals
Maximum customization to customer requirements (twin pallets, paper support, etc.)
Small batch sizes possible
Just-in-time delivery possible
Thermo treatment according to IPPC standard, etc.

Paper Industry Pallets
Example of highest precision in production:
perfectly smooth surfaces
guaranteed <=2mm top board distance coverboard spacing
plastic covering available in different thicknesses
Daily, our customers choose from 5.000 pallet models which can be produced immediately in desired quantities.

Crates +
Special Packaging
Made-to-measure crates are possible from a batch size of 1 upwards. ​
We also pack directly at our customers’ (e.g. for special transports, machinery, parts and installations).

Production starting from
batch size 1
pallet models ready for production
digital insourcing networks the costumer to TEMA
Based on a research project, the TEMA company’s digital networking was established with one of our major customers:​
The customer’s system and Tema‘s communicate independently: forecasts, requirements, delivery dates and incoming goods.
Productions generator automatically constructs the pallet model, generates parts lists, sets machine parameters.
Advantages for our customers:
precisely manages pallet requirements
batch size 1 under industrial conditions
never out of stock through minimal lead time
reduction of storage costs
minimal processing effort
Optimize your logistics with TEMA Industry 4.0.
Optimize your logistics with
TEMA-Industry 4.0.

Please contact:
TEMA Sägeindustrie GmbH+CoKG
Hauptstraße 38
9314 Launsdorf
Send us your application to office@tema.co.at
We are pleased to hear from you!

On its site, TEMA operates a district heating plant to the latest standards. Our own wood chips and residual heat from the local biogas plant supply our company and our local town Launsdorf.

Our pallets are sterilized solely according to ISPM standard Nr.15 (AT-K 8024 HT). Please request this treatment in good time!

Through research, we have developed a method of finger jointing board sections. This is a first in the packaging industry and important for conserving resources.

5.000 m2 of solar panels are installed on our company site roofs. This is our contribution to clean electricity.

Tema Sägeindustrie GmbH & Co KG
Hauptstraße 38 | A 9314 Launsdorf
T +43-4213-2019 | F +43-4213-2019-75
office@tema.co.at | www.tema.co.at
Company registration nr: 19317h | VAT-ID: ATU 26102605
Member of the chamber of commerce of Austria
responsable governmental institution:
Bezirkshauptmannschaft Sankt Veit/ Glan
Firmenbuchgericht: Landesgericht Klagenfurt
Mitglied der Wirtschaftskammer, Fachgruppe Tischler und Holzgestalter.
Gewerbe:Reparatur und Erzeugung von Holzpaletten unter Ausschluss der den reglementierten Gewerben vorbehaltenen Tätigkeiten gemäß § 5 Abs.2 der GewO 1994
IMPRINT § 25 Abs 5 MedienG
Homepage Gestaltung + Programmierung:
Kowatsch Projektmarketing, Villach.
Fotos: Nicole Wieser, Keutschach
Grafik: Jürgen Fugger Multimedia+Design, Klagenfurt